Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Family has come and gone.... now for our Christmas

My family was down last week-end for our family Christmas. We used to take turns having Christmas at our different houses, but its been at our house the last few years since my mom has been sick. As a matter of fact, my mom was admitted to the hospital with pneumonia 2 days prior to our Christmas celebration. Keeping in the spirit of Christmas, we took the adult gift exchange to the hospital. The nurses were very nice and allowed all 12 of us in her room at once. We stayed for about an hour and then returned to our house so the kids could open their presents. Makenna's shopping cart was a huge hit. Every child of mine has taken it for a spin around the house and chased each other or the dogs with it.

Mason had his school Christmas program last week. He was the inn keeper. He did so well. I was very proud. However, I must admit I was a bit nervous for him because he kept talking in a silly manner whenever we practiced his lines. I guess he was listening when I told him to talk properly and loudly for the show. Since most of my family was down, they all got to see his show. Some people were getting upset because we ended up saving an entire row for our part of the audience. It amazed me some of the things some people said especially since we were in God's house!

My oldest nephew, TJ, is getting married in May. He and his fiancee, Emily, came down so she could meet my mom. While they were here, they asked Courtney and Makenna to be flower girls in their wedding. Of course, they said yes. So I will be off to Dallas with my children the first week-end in May. Scott won't be able to go with us as that is his busy time of year for work. My dad is planning on going so hopefully we can all travel together.

The beginning in May will be a very busy and very expensive time for us. We have TJ and Emily's wedding the first week-end, Courtney is receiving her first communion the following week-end, and a friend of ours is getting married the week-end after that. After the first of the year, Courtney and I will be looking at some patterns for her communion dress. A friend of mine's mother will make it for us. The best part (for me at least), I am having her dress made out of my wedding dress. Hopefully, there will be enough material and still in good shape.

Well, I better get some things done before I am off to bed.


Osh said...

I love that her Communion dress will be made from your wedding dress!

Barb B said...

Thanks. I love it too. Some people have asked why I don't save it for her wedding, but I don't see that happening. First trends change and secondly, I want to go shopping with her for her dress.