Friday, December 7, 2007

Tag, I'm it

My friend, Colleen, tagged me. The rules are simple. I need to reveal 7 weird and/or unusal things about myself. I am to link my answers to my friend's blogs, however I don't know how to do that nor have my friends started their blog pages. So here are my answers and hopefully, you all will see them.

1. I have never climbed a tree.

2. I went mountain bike riding and hated it!!! Give me a paved road anyday.

3. I was engaged before and called it off 5 months before the wedding.

4. I have never seen ET.

5. I attended 3 different colleges (Southwest Missouri State, Manatee Community College, and the University of South Florida).

6. My ultimate dream car is a '67 Mustang convertible.

7. I am afraid of being on ladders, but heights don't bother me. Just ladders.

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