Sunday, December 9, 2007

Worst Mommy EVER!!!

This has been a very typical yet very hectic Bradley family week-end. It all started early Friday morning when Scott left for a hunting trip to Georgia around 4am. His moving around the house woke Makenna and she ended up climbing into bed with me. The alarm clock went off around 6am which felt more like 15 minutes later. Dragged my children out of bed, and got them off to school. Next was grocery shopping. This task has gotten easier since I only have Makenna with me, but it is one of my least favorite chores. I really wish the baggers would come and put it all away for me as well.

Last night was a party at my neighbors. I went alone as Scott is still in Georgia. It was a nice party, but I didn't stay too long as I didn't know too many people there and we had church in the morning.

This brings us to today - the day I became the worst Mommy EVER. It started out in a hectic fashion. Once again, I am dragging my children out of bed to get ready for church. It just kills me how slow they move when we need to get ready. I started telling them to hurry up so we aren't late. That didn't work so I began to yell. That didn't work and that led to my screaming at them. Yes, screaming. When we left, my throat hurt. My heart rate must have been through the roof!!! After we were all in the car and on our way, I felt terrible about how I handled the situation. What kind of Mother was I???? After church, we made a brief stop at my parents house for a late breakfast. Then it was off to my friend, Cindy's, studio for the kids' Christmas pictures. It started out very nice. Got lots of "Cheese" out of my kids. Then just like a light switch, Makenna didn't want to take any more pictures. UGH!!! We waited a few minutes to see if her mood will change. It did - from bad to worse. Told Cindy sorry, and left hoping she got some good shots while everyone was behaving.

When we got home, I put Makenna down for a nap. Courtney laid down as she had a headache. I told Mason to lay quietly on his bed and look at books for some quiet time. I went to lay down as well. Next I hear Courtney yelling at Mason to get out of her room. I told Mason to come lay down with me. He kept tapping my hand, putting his legs all over me, etc. I told him to go lay on the couch. I hear Courtney yelling at him again to get out of her room. Then Makenna is crying because Courtney's yelling woke her up. I looked at Mason and told him..... "Boy, there are times I could just kill you." OH MY GOSH!!!! What did I just say to him???? I wanted to take the words back, but I couldn't. I was so tired and frustrated that I finally exploded. To be very honest, it took all I had to not hit him. I was so angry. He has become this little.... I don't even know a word to describe it. He drives me absolutely crazy!!!! Can't keep his hands to himself, can't sit still, keeps asking the same thing over and over again, argues with you about silly stuff. For example, he didn't want to get dressed this morning because he was convinced his navy pants were black. Even after I showed him the difference between his black pants and blue pants, he still didn't believe me. So yes, my friends, today I have earned the WORST MOMMY EVER title.

1 comment:

Osh said...

being a mom is hard! and I promise you that you have yet to take my title of WORST MOM EVER away from me!