Sunday, December 2, 2007

Tis the season....

I just noticed that I haven't written for about 2 weeks now. This is terrible. I really need to get on here more often.

Ok, here is the latest. Thanksgiving was very nice. We had it at our house with my parents and my in-laws. The food was good, the company was better. Colleen, we deep-fried our turkey as well, but ours definitely didn't turn out like yours! Sorry. I tried a new dessert recipe (I like to tryout a new recipe whenever we have a family gathering). This year it was a Black Forest Pie. Oooohhhh, it was sooo good and so easy. I will post the recipe if anyone is interested.

I did my traditional after Thanksgiving shopping. I wish some of my friends liked to shop after Thanksgiving. I normally end up going by myself. I found some really good deals. I bought a couple of things even though I had already gotten them earlier. After last years' TMX Elmo fiasco, I decided that I would buy the items I wanted to get my kids whenever I saw them. If it goes on sale later, I will return the originally bought items. This way my children will get the items I want for them. The best deal I got was a Nine West purse and an XOXO purse for $25.00. Not for each, but for both! What a bargain!!!! Merry Christmas to me!!!!! I have most of my shopping and the shopping I have to do for my parents done. I only have a few things left to get. Yeah!!!!

We had two birthday parties the week-end after Thanksgiving. One on Saturday and one on Sunday. The one on Saturday was a combination party for one of my son's friends and his twin siblings. Gavin, my son's friend, goes to school Mason. When Mason first met him, he couldn't remember his name so he kept calling him the "tough guy" because he tipped over a play kitchen set in the playyard. Gavin's twin siblings just turned one so sharing a party now isn't so hard, but in a few years....

The party on Sunday was for a very good friend of mine's daughter. Little Miss Rylee turned 4. It was a fun party with a ton of people and I do mean a ton! I told Tracy (my friend) that she should hide some of the birthday presents, wrap them in Christmas paper, and put them under the tree. I am not sure if there is anything left in the stores that she could get for Christmas! That's the downside of having birthdays so close to Christmas. I know because Makenna's is in October, Courtney's is in November, and Mason's is in February. Oh to have a birthday in May!

Courtney had a birthday party to attend yesterday. It was an ice-skating party. Yes, we have ice-skating here in Florida. She had a good time. She had only been skating once before, but she did pretty good yesterday. After a couple of times around the rink hugging the wall, she ventured out and was skating around with the masses or should I say shuffling along. I think this might be it for birthday parties until after the first of the year.

We tried out a new babysitter last night, and we will be trying out a different one next week-end. We were invited to our neighbor's Christmas party so we thought that would be prime time to tryout someone new. The kids just loved Chloe. She even got Makenna to go to bed and stay there. (We just put Makenna in a toddler bed and its been a bit of a challenge to keep her in it). Needless to say, we will be using Chloe again. Next week-end, we have another neighbor Christmas party to attend. We will be using Chloe's twin sister for that one. Yeah!!!! We finally have some babysitters!!!! Date night here we come.

Well, I think I have written a book here. I will once again try not to wait so long to write again. Until next time.....

1 comment:

Osh said...

Ah, well, I’ve been tagged by Fiesty, so here’s the fun:
The rules of tagging are as follows:
1. Link to the person that tagged you and post the rules on your blog.
2. Share 7 random and or weird things about yourself.
3. Tag 7 random people at the end of your post and include links to their blogs.
4. Let each person know that they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.