Wednesday, January 2, 2008

My New Years Resolutions - subject to change without notice

Happy New Year!!!!

I remember when I was under 21, I couldn't wait until I was of drinking age so I could truly celebrate New Years as it was intended - drinking heavily and regretting it the next day. However as I get closer and closer to 40, I find myself celebrating New Years in the comfort of my own family room watching tv in my jammies. I must admit there have been a few times where I have slept through the ball dropping. I blame the children. Totally their fault!

Ok, here are my New Year Resolutions (as of right now)

1. Keep the game room, family room, kitchen, and the kids' bathroom clean. I say this as my children are chasing each other through the house while the dogs are play fighting with each other. Toys everywhere!

2. Exercise more. Just watching my children is exhausting and I am currently writing on my blog thus staying out of the way of my racing children and fighting dogs.

3. Drink more water. As I am planning on having a beer or two or three for dinner. Again, children and dogs in the house all day long.

4. Make a budget and stick to it. Dang, I think we are almost out of beer!!!!!

Yeah, I am not sure how these resolutions are going to work for me. Its too early to tell. Maybe I should hold off on implementing these until after the kids go back to school next week....

In addition to resolutions, I also like to make a few goals for myself for the year. Yep, you guessed it, here are my goals.

1. Potty train Makenna
2. Get Mason to stop sucking his thumb
3. Stop yelling so much
4. Get my closets organized

Wow, my goals seem to revolve around my children. Such the mom! I can only imagine what my goals would be if I didn't have my kids. Let see, come home from the bars at least 4 hours before I have to be work, only buy 12 pairs of shoes, organize another girls week-end to Vegas (notice I said ANOTHER as to imply we already had one or more), etc. Ahh, the joys of having children!!!

Well, I better make sure the kids are still in one piece, nothing is broken, and let the dogs out of the house. Until next time.....

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