Friday, December 28, 2007

Best present ever!!!!

Santa was very nice to the Bradley family this year. Scott may not agree with that statement entirely. While seeing Santa, Courtney asked for a guitar and a sewing machine. Mason asked for a guitar and a bow and arrow. I don't believe Santa spoke too much to Makenna as to not upset her - being grateful she sat in his lap was enough! Well, Santa heard them loud and clear. Courtney got a sewing machine and a knitting machine - very cool. Mason got a Nerf bow and arrow set, and a few other things that shot out nerf-like items - poor dogs. They all got guitars. Of course, Makenna's is a Backyardigans version of a guitar, but the other two are true guitars - picks and all. If that wouldn't be loud enough, they also got a battery-operated keyboard. Yesterday morning, Courtney and Mason were playing their guitars while Makenna played the keyboard and sang. The making of the Bradley band - move over Partridge family!!!!

Scott and I must have been very good this year as well. We received a DVD player with two monitors for the car. Let me tell you, this present has saved my sanity!!!! I no longer have bickering children riding in my car. They are quiet. Halleluha!!!!!!!!

The best present of all is actually two events. One, my Mom has returned home from rehab center. She is still a bit weak from the pneumonia, but she is on the mend. I am truly grateful that we got one more Christmas with her. Secondly, Scott's dad has regained some of his speech. He can speak a few 3-4 word sentences. Woo Hoo!!!!

It was a very Merry Christmas. Next, I need to work on my New Year's Resolutions - oh, yeah! Until next time....

Sunday, December 23, 2007

Party at the Millar's House

My friend Tracy and her husband Ray held their annual Christmas party last night. We had a great time. Hopefully, I will be able to post some pictures later. We used one of our new babysitters, Alex. Alex's twin sister Chloe was to come over too, but she felt ill so she stayed home. I must tell you, I love having babysitters. It makes life so much easier. Now, hopefully, Scott and I can have date nights.

Anyway, back to the party. I love hanging out with my friends, especially the Girls. The Girls are 5 of my closest friends - Cindy, Tracy, Lori, Joanne, and Kathy. We may not see each other or talk to each other every week, I know these ladies will be there for me in a heartbeat and vice-versa if need be. I love my Girls!!!

Normally, we are a pretty casual bunch, but this year we all did something very special - we all wore high heels with our jeans!!! This all started because of an Oprah show I saw last year. It was the show were they discussed wearing the correct size and type bra and jeans. Oprah says that if you were high heels, you look a lot thinner. Well, that simple phrase sold me. After all, I am always trying to look thinner. This year my friends joined me in the high heel endeavor. Let me tell you, we looked HOT!!!! All of us!!!! Even the men in our lives or as we call them - the Boys, commented on how good we all looked. WOO HOO!!!!!

Everyone is getting together at Cindy's house tomorrow evening, but we are unable to attend. We go to my in-laws on Christmas Eve to open presents. My dad is checking my mom out of the rehab center tomorrow evening so they can join us. I am very excited about this as I have seen my mom all week. The kids have been ill, and I can't take them into the rehab center with me. According to my mom, they have been keeping her very busy so she's been pretty tired herself. My mom will most likely be there for another week or two if not more. She is so weak. It really stinks to see her like this. I just keep praying this isn't the last Christmas with her.

Well, the kids are in bed and its going to be a long couple of days so I am off to bed myself. Until next time....

PS. Merry Christmas everyone!!!! God Bless!!!!

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Ill Child Syndrome

I don't know what it is, but when one of my children is ill, then none of them want to get out of their jammies. There are times that I even get caught up in it. Nothing like a jammie day.

My little man, Mason, is sick. He's had a cold for the last few days that has now progressed into a chest cold and cough. This all started around a week or two after he decided he didn't need to take naps anymore. His poor body is so tired that he has slept for 11 hours now and he is still asleep.

Here is my question - why do they call it "childrens" medicine when you have to be at least 6 years old to take it??? Or at least 2 years old for "infant" medicine??? Why do they sell the cough medicine that is for certain symptoms in such large bottles??? My medicine cabinet is overflowing with all the different medicine I have for colds. Oh, I guess I should have said questions...

Well, I need to get some things done around here. Until, next time....

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Family has come and gone.... now for our Christmas

My family was down last week-end for our family Christmas. We used to take turns having Christmas at our different houses, but its been at our house the last few years since my mom has been sick. As a matter of fact, my mom was admitted to the hospital with pneumonia 2 days prior to our Christmas celebration. Keeping in the spirit of Christmas, we took the adult gift exchange to the hospital. The nurses were very nice and allowed all 12 of us in her room at once. We stayed for about an hour and then returned to our house so the kids could open their presents. Makenna's shopping cart was a huge hit. Every child of mine has taken it for a spin around the house and chased each other or the dogs with it.

Mason had his school Christmas program last week. He was the inn keeper. He did so well. I was very proud. However, I must admit I was a bit nervous for him because he kept talking in a silly manner whenever we practiced his lines. I guess he was listening when I told him to talk properly and loudly for the show. Since most of my family was down, they all got to see his show. Some people were getting upset because we ended up saving an entire row for our part of the audience. It amazed me some of the things some people said especially since we were in God's house!

My oldest nephew, TJ, is getting married in May. He and his fiancee, Emily, came down so she could meet my mom. While they were here, they asked Courtney and Makenna to be flower girls in their wedding. Of course, they said yes. So I will be off to Dallas with my children the first week-end in May. Scott won't be able to go with us as that is his busy time of year for work. My dad is planning on going so hopefully we can all travel together.

The beginning in May will be a very busy and very expensive time for us. We have TJ and Emily's wedding the first week-end, Courtney is receiving her first communion the following week-end, and a friend of ours is getting married the week-end after that. After the first of the year, Courtney and I will be looking at some patterns for her communion dress. A friend of mine's mother will make it for us. The best part (for me at least), I am having her dress made out of my wedding dress. Hopefully, there will be enough material and still in good shape.

Well, I better get some things done before I am off to bed.

Sunday, December 9, 2007

Worst Mommy EVER!!!

This has been a very typical yet very hectic Bradley family week-end. It all started early Friday morning when Scott left for a hunting trip to Georgia around 4am. His moving around the house woke Makenna and she ended up climbing into bed with me. The alarm clock went off around 6am which felt more like 15 minutes later. Dragged my children out of bed, and got them off to school. Next was grocery shopping. This task has gotten easier since I only have Makenna with me, but it is one of my least favorite chores. I really wish the baggers would come and put it all away for me as well.

Last night was a party at my neighbors. I went alone as Scott is still in Georgia. It was a nice party, but I didn't stay too long as I didn't know too many people there and we had church in the morning.

This brings us to today - the day I became the worst Mommy EVER. It started out in a hectic fashion. Once again, I am dragging my children out of bed to get ready for church. It just kills me how slow they move when we need to get ready. I started telling them to hurry up so we aren't late. That didn't work so I began to yell. That didn't work and that led to my screaming at them. Yes, screaming. When we left, my throat hurt. My heart rate must have been through the roof!!! After we were all in the car and on our way, I felt terrible about how I handled the situation. What kind of Mother was I???? After church, we made a brief stop at my parents house for a late breakfast. Then it was off to my friend, Cindy's, studio for the kids' Christmas pictures. It started out very nice. Got lots of "Cheese" out of my kids. Then just like a light switch, Makenna didn't want to take any more pictures. UGH!!! We waited a few minutes to see if her mood will change. It did - from bad to worse. Told Cindy sorry, and left hoping she got some good shots while everyone was behaving.

When we got home, I put Makenna down for a nap. Courtney laid down as she had a headache. I told Mason to lay quietly on his bed and look at books for some quiet time. I went to lay down as well. Next I hear Courtney yelling at Mason to get out of her room. I told Mason to come lay down with me. He kept tapping my hand, putting his legs all over me, etc. I told him to go lay on the couch. I hear Courtney yelling at him again to get out of her room. Then Makenna is crying because Courtney's yelling woke her up. I looked at Mason and told him..... "Boy, there are times I could just kill you." OH MY GOSH!!!! What did I just say to him???? I wanted to take the words back, but I couldn't. I was so tired and frustrated that I finally exploded. To be very honest, it took all I had to not hit him. I was so angry. He has become this little.... I don't even know a word to describe it. He drives me absolutely crazy!!!! Can't keep his hands to himself, can't sit still, keeps asking the same thing over and over again, argues with you about silly stuff. For example, he didn't want to get dressed this morning because he was convinced his navy pants were black. Even after I showed him the difference between his black pants and blue pants, he still didn't believe me. So yes, my friends, today I have earned the WORST MOMMY EVER title.

Friday, December 7, 2007

Tag, I'm it

My friend, Colleen, tagged me. The rules are simple. I need to reveal 7 weird and/or unusal things about myself. I am to link my answers to my friend's blogs, however I don't know how to do that nor have my friends started their blog pages. So here are my answers and hopefully, you all will see them.

1. I have never climbed a tree.

2. I went mountain bike riding and hated it!!! Give me a paved road anyday.

3. I was engaged before and called it off 5 months before the wedding.

4. I have never seen ET.

5. I attended 3 different colleges (Southwest Missouri State, Manatee Community College, and the University of South Florida).

6. My ultimate dream car is a '67 Mustang convertible.

7. I am afraid of being on ladders, but heights don't bother me. Just ladders.

Sunday, December 2, 2007

Tis the season....

I just noticed that I haven't written for about 2 weeks now. This is terrible. I really need to get on here more often.

Ok, here is the latest. Thanksgiving was very nice. We had it at our house with my parents and my in-laws. The food was good, the company was better. Colleen, we deep-fried our turkey as well, but ours definitely didn't turn out like yours! Sorry. I tried a new dessert recipe (I like to tryout a new recipe whenever we have a family gathering). This year it was a Black Forest Pie. Oooohhhh, it was sooo good and so easy. I will post the recipe if anyone is interested.

I did my traditional after Thanksgiving shopping. I wish some of my friends liked to shop after Thanksgiving. I normally end up going by myself. I found some really good deals. I bought a couple of things even though I had already gotten them earlier. After last years' TMX Elmo fiasco, I decided that I would buy the items I wanted to get my kids whenever I saw them. If it goes on sale later, I will return the originally bought items. This way my children will get the items I want for them. The best deal I got was a Nine West purse and an XOXO purse for $25.00. Not for each, but for both! What a bargain!!!! Merry Christmas to me!!!!! I have most of my shopping and the shopping I have to do for my parents done. I only have a few things left to get. Yeah!!!!

We had two birthday parties the week-end after Thanksgiving. One on Saturday and one on Sunday. The one on Saturday was a combination party for one of my son's friends and his twin siblings. Gavin, my son's friend, goes to school Mason. When Mason first met him, he couldn't remember his name so he kept calling him the "tough guy" because he tipped over a play kitchen set in the playyard. Gavin's twin siblings just turned one so sharing a party now isn't so hard, but in a few years....

The party on Sunday was for a very good friend of mine's daughter. Little Miss Rylee turned 4. It was a fun party with a ton of people and I do mean a ton! I told Tracy (my friend) that she should hide some of the birthday presents, wrap them in Christmas paper, and put them under the tree. I am not sure if there is anything left in the stores that she could get for Christmas! That's the downside of having birthdays so close to Christmas. I know because Makenna's is in October, Courtney's is in November, and Mason's is in February. Oh to have a birthday in May!

Courtney had a birthday party to attend yesterday. It was an ice-skating party. Yes, we have ice-skating here in Florida. She had a good time. She had only been skating once before, but she did pretty good yesterday. After a couple of times around the rink hugging the wall, she ventured out and was skating around with the masses or should I say shuffling along. I think this might be it for birthday parties until after the first of the year.

We tried out a new babysitter last night, and we will be trying out a different one next week-end. We were invited to our neighbor's Christmas party so we thought that would be prime time to tryout someone new. The kids just loved Chloe. She even got Makenna to go to bed and stay there. (We just put Makenna in a toddler bed and its been a bit of a challenge to keep her in it). Needless to say, we will be using Chloe again. Next week-end, we have another neighbor Christmas party to attend. We will be using Chloe's twin sister for that one. Yeah!!!! We finally have some babysitters!!!! Date night here we come.

Well, I think I have written a book here. I will once again try not to wait so long to write again. Until next time.....