Friday, February 22, 2008

Home Alone

As I stated before, Scott is gone this week-end. He is in Vegas with some of the guys. I am very jealous as I LOVE Vegas!!! I wish we could go back there again. He left very early yesterday morning. I ran errands yesterday. I finally broke down and got Microsoft Office upgrade for the computer. I currently have Microsoft Works which has word processing, excel, etc. The problem was that I could never open any attachments people sent me unless they were a pdf file. I finally decided that I couldn't keep sending documents to my friends and asking them to copy and paste it into an e-mail. I bit the bullet. Now I just have to install it.

After my trip to Best Buy and dealing with the not so friendly Geek Squad. (You would think that if they were geeks they would be a bit friendlier!) Anyway, I took Makenna into the Barnes and Nobles that is next door. Makenna had a blast looking at all the books. If I had the money, I would have bought 10 books!!! But, I bought a couple of books to read to Mason and Makenna and a chapter book for Courtney. I love buying books for the kids. I love to read to them. Its funny because every now and then Courtney will read a book to the kids and she does her voice fluctuations just like I do them. And wouldn't you know it, Mason brought home a couple Scholastic book order forms!!!! Well, I will just have to get a few more books!!!!

Scott called last night to tell us that he got to Vegas safely, but lost his phone at the Atlanta airport. Now, most of you know, this isn't the first phone Scott has lost or the second. I believe we are on number 5 now. At least, this time he didn't drop it in the lake while fishing! I don't know about that man and his phones!

Well, I have another load of laundry to do and some other household chores to attend to. Until next time....

1 comment:

Osh said...

Evan and I love Barnes&Noble!

I htink we might go there tomorrow, you gave me a great idea!