Saturday, February 16, 2008

Just what I needed

Last night, some of the girls - Cindy, Lori, Annie, and Michelle came over with their kids to hang out. Scott and the guys are out of town at a softball tournament so I asked the ladies to come over. I REALLY needed to have them around. They are my saving grace. I was seriously wondering if I needed to be on some type of medication for depression, anxiety, or whatever. Let me fill you in on the latest.

Scott plays softball on Tuesdays and Thursdays so the kids stay home with me. On Wednesdays, Courtney has bible classes so the kids go with me. Scott lately has been fishing in a local tournament that is held every Wednesday so even when we get home, he isn't there. Thus I am alone with the kids. He fishes in a tournament at least 2 Sundays a month which of course, means he has to pre-fish for the tournament either the week-end or the Friday before the tournament. He plays in softball tournaments at least one week-end a month - sometimes 2. He has his own lawn business so he works everyday. Right now its a bit slow as the grass isn't growing so there are times he doesn't work on Fridays. Of course, those are the days he is fishing. During the summer, he is working from dawn to dusk during the week to get his work done. To recap, Scott is gone a lot!!! Oh, did I mention that he is going to Vegas next week-end with the guys?!?!?!

Scott asked me yesterday, what I needed him to do before he left for the tournament. My response was "Stay here, and let me go away for the week-end." He laughed - I was serious. I stated that I love my children very much and truly enjoy being a SAHM, but I also need a break. He said I get a break when I do my shows. So I get a break when I am working? Scott claimed that my shows isn't work. I stand up, do a presentation, take orders, and then leave. His idea of work is physical work. So the 9 years at the insurance company wasn't work???? His response "This isn't going the way I thought". You think!?!?!?!? Scott claims he understands my need to get out, but I don't think he "gets it".

Top all that off with my mother not coming home today, but getting transferred to a nursing home while she recovers from her fractured pelvic. She still can't walk so she can't come home. The issue with this is that I have never met or heard of anyone going into a nursing home and coming out. So fear has really set in. I don't show this around my parents or my kids, but my insides are falling apart.

So kids 24/7, husband MIA, and mother in nursing home. Seriously, anyone have anything for this!!!!!
PS. thank you ladies for coming over!

1 comment:

Osh said...

ugh, I hear you. I get told all the time I get a break when Evan is in school. Um, no, because I am still cleaning the house, paying bills, laundry, grocery know what I mean.

I hope your mom gets on the mend soon!

Take care and I promise to do the same.