Friday, February 8, 2008

Today is my birthday!

I am 39 today and I must say I am not feeling old! Turning 30 was rough for me, but I am actually looking forward to 40. Weird, I know! Scott and I are going out to dinner tonight. We got some gift certificates from some of his clients for Christmas so we are going to use a couple of them for dinner tonight. We got a babysitter for tonight so it will be just the two of us. I am really looking forward to spending some alone time with my hubby. I wanted to see a movie tonight as well, but we may pass on it. We will see.

Speaking of spending some one on one time, Mason has been very attached lately. On Monday, he pitched a crying fit when I dropped him off at school. He hasn't done this since school started so I wasn't sure what brought this on. After discussing the situation with his teacher, it appears he misses me when I go to do my shows. I talked to Mason about it, and he just wants some one on one time with Mommy. So, now we make sure we have some alone time almost everyday. Sometimes its just reading a book to him while he is in bed. Honestly, his reaction to my doing shows made me feel so loved. It is really sweet. Of course, in a few weeks, I may be back to wanting to wring his neck, but for now, he is my little loving man!

Well, I better get going. We having our yard fenced in today, and Mason wants to show me what they are doing. Until next time....


Susan NiƱo said...

Happy 39th birthday Barb! I get to that point in July.

Hope dinner out was nice with your husband!

Osh said...

Welcome to the 39 and holding club!
I know I am a day late and many $ short, but Happy Birthday! I'm glad you got some alone time!

Evan is a clingon too. When he isn't in school he is by my side every single minute. I am only alone when I pee!

Have a great weekend and thanks for the nice comments on my blog!