Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Momma said there will be days like this....

I just figured she was trying to make me cry. I am back in my "do I need to be on some type of meds" mode. I get so frustrated with Scott, and the kids just seem to add to it all. After the week-end softball tournament and the week-end in Vegas, Scott was gone last week-end as well. When I said something about being gone 3 week-ends in a row, he said "Well, you are the one who wanted me to play softball so you could bring the kids." UMMM - Those words never left my lips - I assure you! When he mentioned playing softball, he stated that it would be one week-end a month and the sponsor would pay for a room for all of us when they played out of town. Which by the way, they only had one tournament out of town and the guys had to pay for their own hotel room! Why did I agree to him doing this???? Because I am an idiot!!! Other women always tell me that I am far more lenient than they. They would never allow their husbands to do half the stuff mine does. So does that make Scott appreciative of me???? NO! When I bring it to his attention, he states I am looking for a pat on the back. ARE YOU KIDDING ME????? Pat on the back??? I KNOW I won't get one of those, but a little acknowledgement would be nice. How about taking the reigns every now and then and plan a night out without any assistance or guidance from your wife? I wanted to go out for my birthday so I had to call the babysitter and the restaurant. We are going to a charity poker tournament this Saturday and I had to arrange the babysitter. Its always up to me. I've told him I want to have a big surprise party for my 40th - I will probably have to arrange that as well. Oh, did I mention that when he comes home from softball, work, or fishing, he sits his butt on the couch and watches tv until he falls asleep. I've gotten to the point now that I don't even wake him to come to bed. More room for me! Now, I don't mean to make Scott out to be a horrible husband because he does have his good/great points, but this just isn't one of them. Why is it so hard sometimes?

The kids have been driving me crazy lately. They aren't listening at all. They are arguing back at times, and I am getting to my boiling point. Their rooms are complete disasters. When I tell them to clean them up, I get "its too much". Well, buddy, I didn't play with the toys so maybe you should have put them away when you are done. The whining and crying start and after about 30 minutes of asking, telling, yelling, and then screaming, I give up and just close the door. My house looked horrible the other day. It was so bad, I would have been embarrassed if a burglar broke in. The cops would take one look and say they really ransacked the place. I would then have to explain - no, it looked like this before it happened. Its just so damn frustrating.

On a somewhat of a good note, PartyLite's National Conference is in my hometown - St Louis this July. I really want to go. Partly because it will really be motivating and educational, but mostly because it would be a get-a-way for me. The bad part is the timing. July is extremely time for Scott and I would need to have a sitter watch the kids for a couple of days, but with what I've been earning, I should be able to afford it. It will be just a matter of convincing Scott.

Well, I better get the kids off to bed (stepping over all the toys to get to their beds!). Until next time....


Osh said...

ohh........if you come to STL I wil ltry my darndest to meet up with you, maybe Susan can come too and we can have a girly time. And I totally understand the frustrations you are going through. I am counting the days to when I see my psychiatrist for a med check. And the planning for a sitter? Scott has done that maybe 3 times in 5 years...and I want a huge 40th birthday party too! A costume party and he said no. Poop on all Scott's everywhere.

Barb B said...

I'm working on it. I think the only thing standing in my way is finding someone to watch my kids. Scott said it would have to be an adult. I will keep you posted. It would be great to meet up somewhere!