Sunday, February 3, 2008

Better days have arrived

Courtney had her first Confession on Thursday which was my Mom's birthday. We stopped by to see her and bring her cupcakes before the main event of the evening. My Mom is doing MUCH better!!! She was actually dressed and sitting in a wheelchair when we arrived. Huge improvement over the painstricken look she had the day before. It was so bad, I almost called my sister to tell her to come down here. I'm glad I waited because the improvement was that great! She is still in the rehab center and will most likely be there for a few more weeks if not longer.

Back to Courtney's first confession. It was a nice ceremony. Scott and I had to walk her to the priest and then wait for her outside the room until she was done. We wanted to hold a glass up to the door so we could hear what she was willing to admit she's done, but we didn't - to many witnesses. Afterwards, we had some cookies and juice and then headed home. Oh, to be a fly on the wall!!!

Mason turned 5 yesterday. 5!!!! I just can't believe it. We had a party for him and he had a blast. Got lots of great toys! One thing I got him was this basketball game. I didn't realize how big it was until we opened it and put it together. It must be 5 feet long and 3 feet wide. I don't think it will fit in his room. It is a pretty cool game. It has 2 hoops - one worth 2pts and one worth 5pts. It keeps score and everything. The best part was that it was marked down from $90 to $15. I love that his birthday is after Christmas. We get such good bargains for his presents. We also got him a skateboard. He's been asking for one so I broke down and got him one. Scott's mom got him a helmet, elbow and knee pads. However, I would feel much safer if they made a complete foam body suit.

The only bad thing about the past few days was a "discussion" Scott and I had about cleaning. Yet, another thing in which Scott appears to be superior. I sometimes wonder why he even keeps me around since he is so much better at everything than I am.

Scott and I have a completely different idea of cleaning. He likes for the house to look clean ie toss things in a closet, stack things neatly on the desk, etc. As he says it, get it off the floor and out of the way. My idea of clean is to have a place for everything and everything in its place. The problem I run into is when I can't find an appropriate place for something. For example, I have a tote bag of things to take to the ballpark for the kids ie pad of paper, coloring pencils, books, etc. I don't know where to put it. I would like to keep it in the laundry room, but there is no place for it as the shelf is full of other stuff that doesn't have a home. I get frustrated when I can't find a home for something and begin to obsess over it. I will start pulling things out of closets or off shelves to rearrange and to make room. However, this tends to create a bigger mess and then I am overwhelmed. I want a clean and a neat house. I don't necessary need to have all the labels facing the same direction, but I want to know where something is if you ask for it. Its hard when your husband and children could care less. I made a deal with Scott that if I kept the house like his idea of clean for a month, then we would go shopping for storage/organization items I want to get the house clean and organized to my liking. Wish me luck.

Well, its getting late and I'm tired from all this activities. Until next time...

1 comment:

Osh said...

your Scott and my Scott are silly