Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Where to begin

I don't even know where to begin with this blog.

Let's start with the good news. My PartyLite business is going pretty well. I really enjoy doing the shows. I have a lot of fun. More parties mean more money.

Money - I hate stressing about money. It truly is the root of all evil, but it would be nice to have more of it. I admit it - I am the worst when it comes to setting a budget. I really wish Scott would take care of the finances again. It just stresses me out so much!

Another item of not so wonderful news, my mother fell at home on Sunday and fractured her pelvic. She was in the hospital for a few days and was moved to the rehab center last night. That is good news, but I can't seem to shake this feeling that the end is coming near. I just don't know what I am going to do when she leaves us. I know its coming and have been preparing it for a long time now, but when it actually happens, it will crush me like no other blow. I cry just thinking about it. Tears are streaming down my face as I type this. However, I have to be strong. Strong for her, for my dad, for my kids, for myself. Tomorrow is her 82nd birthday. She's had a long, happy life. I just want her in mine and my kids for a lot longer. It just stinks - a lot.

Ok, enough crying. I have a lot to do this week. Courtney has her First Confession tomorrow, and Mason's birthday party is on Saturday. Plenty to do. Plenty to keep my mind off my woes. Until next time.....

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

DNA test please!!!

I received Courtney's report card today. Straight A's!!!! If that wasn't enough to make my heart sing, I also received her reading assessment. Remember she is in the second grade, however she is reading at the level of a 5th grader in their 4th month!!! I am so proud of her. However, this does beg the question - is this REALLY our child????? Don't get me wrong, Scott and I aren't stupid people, but to have a child reading 3 grade levels above her while in the 2nd grade just baffles me. I guess reading Goodnight Moon and the other story books floating around this house must have paid off. Now, if we could only the same results from our other two....

Until next time....

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

My son's internal thermonitor is off....

Ok, Mason can drive me crazy at times, but this just takes the cake. All summer long, he would put on long pants and long sleeve shirts. I would tell him to change as it is way too hot (in the high 90's) to wear that. We would argue about it, and he would reluctantly change into a t-shirt and shorts.

This morning the tempature was in the 40's, and Mason decided he wanted to wear a t-shirt and shorts to school. UGH!!!! After much discussion and taking him outside in his shorts and t-shirt, he changed into long pants and a long sleeve shirt. I can't wait to see what he wants to wear tomorrow!!!!

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Hello, my name is Barb and I am a

Hugger. Yep, I'm a huge hugger. The bigger the hug, the better. When people ask if I like hugs or kisses better, the answer is always hugs. Love the hugs. That is probably why you always seeing me hug my kids. Huge hugger, I tell you, huge!!!

The problem I find being a Hugger is that I don't know how to hug those who aren't huggers. You know the ones I am talking about. If they hug at all, they put one arm around you and pat you on the back. Now, don't get me wrong. I understand that not everyone is a hugger. I may not understand why, but I do acknowledge they exist. When I am faced with a non-hugger or a one arm patter, I find myself a bit flustered. What do I do with my arms??? Do I keep them by my side???? Cross them???? Swing them???? Do I pat the patter????

I have come to realize that I am what I am. So, with that being said, I will hereby give everyone big hugs when I see them. For all of you patters out there, be warned, I will give you a bigger squeeze for every pat you give me. The non-huggers, well, don't be alarmed if I start flailing my arms about for they just don't know what to do in those situations.

Well, I am off to give my children huge hugs goodnite. To all my friends - {{{{{hugs}}}}} - love you. Until next time.....

Saturday, January 12, 2008

May I see your ID?

"Most certainly!" was my response when the cashier at the grocery asked for my ID for my beer and wine. Let me tell you, I will gladly show anyone my ID if they ask for it. Well, maybe not so "gladly" if its a police officer who pulled me over for speeding or if someone wants to verify I don't qualify for the Senior discount. However, that cashier set the tone for the remainder of the day - it was a VERY good day!

With the exception of my room and my bathroom, my house was immaculate! I can always close my bedroom door! I made a deal with Mason at the beginning of the week that if he kept his room clean all week, he could stay for lunch on Friday at school. He got lunch at school yesterday! That is quite a feat for my little man. I am very proud of him. Let's hope this little motivation will carry us through the school year.

Last night was my starter show for PartyLite. I decided that I wanted to contribute to our household income while still staying at home with my kids. I really don't want to go back to work at least not now. Maybe once they are all in school, I will get a part-time job. They key word there is Maybe!

Anyway, I digress. As I said last night was my starter show. I had a pretty decent turn out. In order for me to obtain my kit, I must have at least 6 shows booked within 30 days of my getting my kit. I have 7!!!! I am very excited. As some of you know, I did Big Yellow Box for a short time while it was still in business. I think I had 7 shows total with Big Yellow Box so I am definitely off to a good start.

My nephew's fiancee found a dress she wants the girls to wear in the wedding. It is a mini-version of hers. It is very pretty. Below is a picture.

Well, I better get going. Mason has a bowling birthday party this afternoon and we still need to get a present. Until next time....

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Back to school

Well, the kids went back to school today. Let me tell you, I am exhausted!!! I am not sure if I am tired because they were all home 24/7 or because I haven't gotten a good nights sleep in weeks. Maybe its a combination of the two. Now maybe I can get some things done around the house and get back to my workout routine. What I know for sure, I am going to bed early tonight!!! Now if Makenna would only stay in her own bed at night. Nothing like trying to roll over only to be blocked by a 2 year old snuggling right up to you.

Here are a couple of flower girl dresses I found on-line. I have sent them to my sister to get my nephew's fiancee's opinion. Courtney is getting very excited.

Well, I better get these invoices out so we can get some money and pay bills. Until next time....

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

My New Years Resolutions - subject to change without notice

Happy New Year!!!!

I remember when I was under 21, I couldn't wait until I was of drinking age so I could truly celebrate New Years as it was intended - drinking heavily and regretting it the next day. However as I get closer and closer to 40, I find myself celebrating New Years in the comfort of my own family room watching tv in my jammies. I must admit there have been a few times where I have slept through the ball dropping. I blame the children. Totally their fault!

Ok, here are my New Year Resolutions (as of right now)

1. Keep the game room, family room, kitchen, and the kids' bathroom clean. I say this as my children are chasing each other through the house while the dogs are play fighting with each other. Toys everywhere!

2. Exercise more. Just watching my children is exhausting and I am currently writing on my blog thus staying out of the way of my racing children and fighting dogs.

3. Drink more water. As I am planning on having a beer or two or three for dinner. Again, children and dogs in the house all day long.

4. Make a budget and stick to it. Dang, I think we are almost out of beer!!!!!

Yeah, I am not sure how these resolutions are going to work for me. Its too early to tell. Maybe I should hold off on implementing these until after the kids go back to school next week....

In addition to resolutions, I also like to make a few goals for myself for the year. Yep, you guessed it, here are my goals.

1. Potty train Makenna
2. Get Mason to stop sucking his thumb
3. Stop yelling so much
4. Get my closets organized

Wow, my goals seem to revolve around my children. Such the mom! I can only imagine what my goals would be if I didn't have my kids. Let see, come home from the bars at least 4 hours before I have to be work, only buy 12 pairs of shoes, organize another girls week-end to Vegas (notice I said ANOTHER as to imply we already had one or more), etc. Ahh, the joys of having children!!!

Well, I better make sure the kids are still in one piece, nothing is broken, and let the dogs out of the house. Until next time.....