Saturday, May 24, 2008

And life continues...

Courtney must have sensed my frustration after my last posting because she got her homework done within 30 minutes and after only being told once to do it. Amazing! Last night, the kids and I did a 20 minute "before daddy gets home" cleaning around the house. We jammed out to some music and had fun doing chores. Once again, Amazing! Today the plan is to get the rest of the house including their rooms cleaned. Will we have another incident like the other day???? Who knows, but I am hopeful. Just waiting for the "other shoe to drop".

Scott is playing in a softball tournament today. Sigh! On the bright side, a friend asked me to go out tonight. But, in order for me to go, Scott would have to be home. So here's hoping the team gets done quick. Lose 2 games and be done. I know, I know, pathetic. But, a girl's got to do what a girl's got to do.

Other news: my mom is still at the nursing home. She was suppose to come home today, but she got bronchitis again (a normal occurence w/ emphazemia and COPD). I am not sure when she will be returning. Courtney and I had a tea party with her last week-end. My mom feels bad that she can't do very many things with Courtney so we thought we would bring the fun to her. It was a nice visit.

Not much else is new. Need to get working on this house. UGH! Until next time....

1 comment:

Osh said...


I can't imagine how stressful it would be to have my mom in a nursing home...big kudos to you for being able to bring the outside in to her...I love the tea party!