Sunday, May 25, 2008

Nite out w/ the girls and some weird dreams

Scott got done early with the softball tournament. That is if you call leaving home at 5:30am and returning 12 hours later, early. However, it was early enough for me to go out with a couple of friends, one of which is recently single. We had a great time. There was lots of laughing. They were laughing at me because I was chatting up with a lot of different people. Mostly guys for my newly single friend and for the possibility of free drinks. Neither happened, but fun anyway. One of the ladies we met had a beautiful dress that she got at Target. I will need to check that out. Anyway, drank way too much. Those Vodka Collins get me everytime. I got home and went to sleep on the couch. Why, you ask? Because Scott had to get up early this morning to go fishing, and I didn't want to accidently turn off the alarm clock. Yep, he is out again. Why oh why am I so permissive? He said he won't be out too late, but then again 12 hours at a softball tournament is considered early so who knows when he will be home. So back to my hangover. Yes, I haven't had one of those in a long time. I am normally very responsible with my drinking. I usually don't drink much because I have children who need me and my functioning brain. However last night, I drank more than usual because 1. I had a headache that I so desperately wanted to go away (have a worse one now, but gone last night) and 2. just needed to forget my home issues for a while. We went back to my friends house for some late night snacking. She had some White Castles hamburgers. If you ever had White Castles, you know that they only taste good after a nite of drinking. Perfect munchy! With my drinking excursion, came some of the strangest dreams I've had in a while. I can't even explain them as they were so weird, but they involved my friends, my friend's mother, a dried up Christmas tree, a denim jacket, and a strange man's debit card in my pocket. Very weird.

Well my children need breakfast and I need a soda to help ease my tummy. I will post some pictures from the wedding in Dallas and Courtney's first communion soon. Until next time...

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