Wednesday, April 30, 2008

I'm a leavin' on a jet plane.....

Tomorrow I am headed off to Dallas with my three lovely children and my 82 year-old father. Oh, such fun!!! I would say I need to drink but how would I be able to put those air thingys over my childrens' and father's faces if the cabin pressure fell?????

The trip should be fun. As many of you know, my nephew is getting married and my daughters are the flower girls. Mason is my date since my husband is unable to join us. I think he just says he can't because of work just to get out of things.

Like I said the trip should be fun, but these past few days leading up to this, well... not so much. Let see, our budget is getting tighter and tighter to the point we may have to live off Mac N Cheese for a week or two. I played the lotto so keep your fingers crossed! Yesterday, I had to run around like a maniac trying to locate a Fed Ex center that was open late enough so I could get a package to Massachussetts today. Then today when I am trying to get the clothes we are taking with us clean, the heating coil in my dryer went out. So I trucked a couple of loads of laundry and a basket full of wet clothes to my in-laws so we could have clean underwear in Texas. I am sure everyone on the plane will appreciate our efforts!

I have packed my bible for those moments that are too stressful. Its funny. I went to a catholic school all of my life and I have never read the bible. To be honest, I am not sure I was required to read it in any of my religion classes. Anyway, I was looking for something to calm me as I was waking up in the middle of the night with some serious panic attacks. One of my friends mentioned reading the bible and then I saw all those people on Big Brother reading it so I figured I'd give it a shot. Now, there are stories that I don't understand and way to many names to remember in Genesis (gees, those men lived to be in their 900s and continued to have kids. Talk about generation gaps!) However, I do find it relaxing and I don't have nearly as many panic attacks. My sister-in-law and oldest brother will probably be shocked and proud that I am reading the bible. Very devout catholics.

Well, I need to get a few more little things done and then I am off to bed. Until next time....

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Not so much to say and so much time to say it

Good gravy, my life is a bit boring lately. I think the most exciting thing that has happened in the last few weeks is that we got some "new to us" furniture. Some friends of my in-laws are moving back to England so they were getting rid of a lot of their furniture. We got a beautiful solid wood kitchen table with 6 chairs, a full size bed, and a white wicker nightstand.

The bed and nightstand went to Courtney. Of course, that meant we had to get new bedding. She is such a girl or I should say young lady. She wanted a lamp that went with the bedding and even brought her own money to buy it. I couldn't make her pay for it even if it wasn't on my list of things to get. Which meant Mason had to get a new lamp. He got a Cars themed lamp that looks like a stop light. Its very cool. All three got clothes hampers. Maybe their dirty clothes can make it into the hamper instead of the floor. Wishful thinking.

My mom fell again. This time in the bathroom. The good news is that she just bruised her tailbone. I told her that if she had a bigger butt like myself, she wouldn't have gotten hurt. My mother has no boobs, no butt, and is thin. Yep, you guessed it, I took after my dad. Big hips, big boobs, big butt. Thank God it all stopped with the big nose. Serious honkers on my dad's side.

Not much else is new. Need to make a hair appointment this week as we leave for Dallas a week from Thursday. Friday I will be picking up the girls' dresses for the wedding. I can't believe its almost here.

Well, I need to get to bed to start my crazy, yet somehow still boring, week. Until next time...

Friday, April 4, 2008

Sleep over

The kids are, or should I say were, on Spring Break this week. It only took 2 days before the bickering, teasing, whining, crying, etc began. So needless to say, I am looking forward to school resuming on Tuesday.

However, on the bright side, my in-laws are keeping the children tonight for a sleep over. Halleluhah!!!!! Scott and I have a night out w/out worrying about coming home by a certain time! Oh, what to do, what to do!!!! So far, we know we are going out for dinner. After that, its anyone's guess at this point. Woo Hoo!!!!

The last couple of nights Courtney and Mason slept on the pullout couch. I promised them we could do this if they kept their rooms cleaned. They worked together on getting their rooms and Makenna's room cleaned. Very proud of them! I tried to sleep w/ them the first night. Boy that pullout is UNCOMFORTABLE!!!! I could feel every spring in the mattress! If I ever invite you to stay with us, you may want to find a hotel instead or get an airmattress. However, the kids loved it! Go figure.

Not much else is new. Still working on getting to St Louis in July. It pretty much looks like a go for me! Woo Hoo! Also, we leave for Dallas in 4 weeks! Can't wait to see my girls in their beautiful dresses.

Got to get some bills paid. Until next time....