Friday, November 9, 2007

Introducing the Bradley clan

I just realized that I told you all about my dogs, but not too much about my family. Here is the scoop. Scott is my husband and we have been married for 13 years. He is two years younger than me. We met each other at a grocery store I worked at while going to college. We were friends first for about a year. He is a native Floridian. Not too many of them here. Most of us are transplants. He owns a lawn service business and does very well. The summers here are hard on him with the heat. The downside of this situation is that he does the work himself so we don't get to take a family vacation together too often. Maybe one day.

My oldest daughter is Courtney. She just turned 8. She is my lucky charm. When I found out I was pregnant with her, I just got a promotion and had 5 out of 6 numbers in the lottery. I didn't win alot, but got enough to get the baby furniture. She is very artistic. It amazes me what she comes up with. I have started a portfolio for her masterpieces. She is also very smart. She does very well in school. She is in second grade, but reads at a level of a 6 month 3rd grader. She loves to read. She gets it honestly. I love to read, and I love to read to my kids. We try to read every night. She is having her birthday party on Saturday at the local bowling alley. I will let you all know how that goes later.

My middle child is my son, Mason. He is 4 years old and is all boy. He is quite the shock to the system especially since Courtney has always been a very self-sufficient and self-contained child. Give her a box of crayons and some paper and she is good to go. Not Mason. He is non-stop except when there is a movie or a show he wants to watch. He likes to play rough, but loves to cuddle with Mommy. He attends a VPK (voluntary pre-kindergarten) program at a local Christian school. He loves it, but there is one little boy that is very mean to everyone in the class. Mason comes home and tells me what Sammy called him or someone else everyday. I know I must be doing something right when he tells me that Sammy's behavior is not acceptable. Good boy!!!!

My youngest is my baby girl, Makenna. The funny thing about Makenna is how I found out I was pregnant with her. I was in the ER with a kidney stone attack when they advised me that I was 12 weeks pregnant. She was quite the surprise especially with what we went through to get pregnant with my first two. I was very upset at first. It took me a while to get used to the idea. Now I wouldn't trade her for the world. She is one of the reasons why I quit my job. I missed out on so much with my other two. I figured God was giving me another chance to do what I always wanted to do... be a SAHM. Makenna is 2 years old now. She does her very best to keep up with her siblings. She is very loving, but will certainly put you in your place if you cross her. We will probably start the potty training after the holidays. That should be fun. I am looking forward to removing the expense of diapers and wipes from my budget.

That is my family in a nut shell. Now when I talk about Scott, Courtney, Mason or Makenna, you all will know who I am talking about. Well, its time for us to go to lunch.

Until next time.....

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