Tuesday, November 6, 2007

The house has gone to the dogs

I just have a few moments to write this before I leave to pick up Mason at school. As I stated before, we recently added another dog to our household. I will add some pictures of my dogs later, but let me tell you a little bit about our pets. We got Mickey a little over a year ago. We got him from the pound and he is supposedly a German Shepherd/Collie mix. We aren't sure that is an accurate description. We just call him a mut. Anyway, he is a pretty good dog. The problem we have with him is his fascination with chewing paper. He will leave the shoes alone, but if there is a magazine on the table - forget about it! He has even chewed up toilet paper while its on the roll. He has destroyed the blinds in the game room and kitchen. When we first got him, we kept him in the bathroom while we were gone. Needless to say, our bathroom door needs to be replaced as he almost chewed through it. My husband decided that Mickey needs a playmate to calm him down. I never had pets when I was growing up, and my husband had several so I believe him - yes I know what you all are saying and I agree! Anyway, a friend of ours had this dog that they got from someone who was moving and couldn't take the dog with them. Scott (my husband) and this friend got to talking and the next thing I know, he is bringing home this dog. Our new dog is a chocolate lab named Coco. She is beautiful and very calm. I don't think I've heard her bark yet. She doesn't lick, but she sniffs alot! Two downsides to Coco. One she is not housebroken. She is doing pretty good. Its helpful that I am at home, but when I need to get some shopping down, I get a bit stressed over it. Did I mention that we have carpeting throughout most of the house????? Yeah, that makes for a lot of fun. We are planning on replacing the carpet, but in the meantime..... The second issue with Coco is that she isn't fixed. Mickey is - thank goodness, but Coco is not. And wouldn't you know it, the week we get her on a trial basis, she is in heat! Mickey has been following her around for the last few days. He really likes her!!!! Both of these things can be fixed literally so I have a feeling Coco is here to stay. So my house has gone to the dogs. When I am home, I am busy trying to housebreak Coco and vaccumming the dogs hair. And now I pick up all the toys, shoes, papers, etc before I walk out the door. Like I have nothing better to do everyday!!!!!! Oh, the sacrifices I make for my family.... I must go now and pick up my son.

Until next time.....

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