Saturday, June 14, 2008

Good news/Bad news

Good news: my mother is doing better - not great, but definitely an improvement
Bad news: my father-in-law either had another stroke or a seizure - they don't know which.
Good news: Courtney got straight A's on her report card.
Bad news: having a very difficult time potty-training Makenna
Good news: summer is here and we are spending a LOT time in the pool
Bad news: the kids hair is turning a tint of green due to all the swimming
Good news: my friend's son who I am watching this summer is behaving very well
Bad news: entire day with 4 children (really should I say anymore)
Good news: Scott won his fishing tournament today
Bad news: he came home and fell asleep immediately as he's been up since 2am.
Good news: I had a very healthy dinner - huge salad
Bad news: I've had fast food at least twice this week
Good news: finally writing a new posting
Bad news: so exhausted that I can't write anymore

I am sure I have more good/bad news to share. Maybe one day soon, it will be just a good news day. Until next time....


Osh said...

good news:
I love you and glad your good news is good!
better news: the bad news will get better, I hope.

Barb B said...

Thank you my friend. I needed that!